ASCII table


ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard that assigns unique numeric codes to represent text characters. The table below lists the ASCII characters with their decimal, hexadecimal, and binary representations.

0000000 0000NUL32200010 0000(space)64400100 0000@96600110 0000`
1010000 0001SOH33210010 0001!65410100 0001A97610110 0001a
2020000 0010STX34220010 0010"66420100 0010B98620110 0010b
3030000 0011ETX35230010 0011#67430100 0011C99630110 0011c
4040000 0100EOT36240010 0100$68440100 0100D100640110 0100d
5050000 0101ENQ37250010 0101%69450100 0101E101650110 0101e
6060000 0110ACK38260010 0110&70460100 0110F102660110 0110f
7070000 0111BEL39270010 0111'71470100 0111G103670110 0111g
8080000 1000BS40280010 1000(72480100 1000H104680110 1000h
9090000 1001TAB41290010 1001)73490100 1001I105690110 1001i
100A0000 1010LF422A0010 1010*744A0100 1010J1066A0110 1010j
110B0000 1011VT432B0010 1011+754B0100 1011K1076B0110 1011k
120C0000 1100FF442C0010 1100,764C0100 1100L1086C0110 1100l
130D0000 1101CR452D0010 1101-774D0100 1101M1096D0110 1101m
140E0000 1110SO462E0010 1110.784E0100 1110N1106E0110 1110n
150F0000 1111SI472F0010 1111/794F0100 1111O1116F0110 1111o
16100001 0000DLE48300011 0000080500101 0000P112700111 0000p
17110001 0001DC149310011 0001181510101 0001Q113710111 0001q
18120001 0010DC250320011 0010282520101 0010R114720111