MySQL Sample Database

This page contain list of MySQL database samples that you can use for your database learning.

This page contain list of MySQL database samples.

MySQL Sakila Database

World Database

The World database is often used to demonstrate SQL concepts. It contains information about countries, cities, languages, and more. Download link:

Employees Database

The Employees database models a company’s employee structure, including departments, employees, salaries, and titles. Download link:

Classicmodels Database

The Classicmodels database is a sample database representing a company that sells scale models of classic cars. It includes tables for products, orders, customers, and employees. Download link:

MySQL Test Database

MySQL provides a simple test database that you can use for experimentation and practice. Download link:

OpenFlights Database

The OpenFlights database contains data about airports, airlines, and routes. It’s useful for scenarios involving geographic and logistical data. Download link:

Before using any of these databases, make sure to check the documentation and licensing terms to ensure compliance with any usage restrictions. Additionally